5 Crucial Steps to Attract Top Talent in Remote Working

Not so long ago, remote work was relatively unheard of in the business world. 

Most employers comprehended working from home as slacking off or cheating work. If you were to find a job that provided remote work opportunities, you would be considered extremely lucky.

But now, the story is different. Remote work has started to become a standard for businesses, and the talent market is riding on the flexibilityprovided by the companies. But is it enough? It’s a tricky question, and there’s not a definitive answer. For big companies, it’s not very feasible to sustain a remote work model because coordinating a significant number of people remotely can go wrong very quickly. Therefore, when people look for job openings in such companies, providing a remote opportunity might be more than enough for attracting and retaining top talents. On the other hand, in job markets where the remote work model is widespread, merely offering a remote position might not hold its own against competitors. 

In the U.S., 60% of the companies that implemented remote work conditions during the pandemic have reported that they are most certainly to keep remote work models for the upcoming period.   So, it’s safe to say that the remote work model, on its own, might not be enough to attract new talents anymore. In fact, in an environment filled with remote work positions, it’s almost compulsory to have one or more extra benefits provided by employers for a better employee experience. Otherwise, businesses might lose their competitive advantage in the job market in a short time.  

Keeping a stress-free attitude

The relationship between remote work and stress is one with ups and downs. It’s the perfect opportunity to reduce work-related stress as employees become more flexible; but on the flip side, it can cause another stress as work and home get tangled up. 

And there’s no way around the stress, it’s bound to happen, but creating a low-stress work environment is an advantage beyond dispute. To find a balance between remote work models and stress, employers can take certain initiatives. It’s necessary to establish a company culture that draws a clear line between work and home. 

An effective example might be enacting an upper bound where the work ends and the employee steps into his zone. It’s advised that there’s no overstepping employees’ zone and they are free in managing their flexibility. Another topic worth mentioning might be providing mental support for employees. Considering the tough situations caused by the pandemic, there has been an increase in seeking mental support due to increased stress and feeling of loneliness. 

In this sense, it might be attractive for new talents when remote work is backed up with mental support opportunities. A 2021 report shows that employees who have access to mental health benefits are more likely to stay in their jobs long term. Benefits to be provided for mental support come in a variety, and businesses can determine the best option that works for them. An extra stipend for employees might come in handy, leaving the effort to the employee. But also providing company-bound mental support service might be a good option. 

Offering social liveliness

As the line between work and home life becomes less clear with remote work on the rise, why not turn it into an advantage? 

It’s a known fact that keeping a work-life balance is not easy during remote work because employees rarely get the chance to spend time with their colleagues other than video conference meetings. But employers might bring creative solutions to this matter. The Internet is overflowing with opportunities that people can make use of for learning, whiling away, or connecting with others. Small to mid-size businesses can provide such opportunities as bonuses to their employees. 

For example, offering a free subscription to online courses, software or entertainment platforms would bring a unique characteristic to the company. Such options might also increase employee engagement and encourage employees to spend time together as well.

Another option would be planning remote events that can enhance teamwork and communication between employees at the same time.

Organizing an online game where employees must work together in teams to triumph over others would be an excellent bonus for the company that would attract new talents. But it doesn’t always have to be fancy, whimsical events. Even planning a movie night or video conference just to hang out might be enough Yes, it’s not always the best when even your social life is an online event with your co-workers. Yet, spending time with colleagues can motivate employees as they feel more attached to the company. It also raises a sense of unity and helps companies to have a good reputation in the job market. 

Improving your team

While acquiring high performer talents is an absolute goal, improving them is just as important. 
When people apply for jobs, they think about their future advancement and personal developments as well. It’s an important part of making career decisions that your next step helps you become a more sophisticated figure in the business world. The upside is, helping your employees to grow is easier than ever with a remote work model. Companies should encourage their employees to attend “extracurricular” activities such as taking an online course or organizing a leadership event for them. There are several ways that such moves can make the company an attraction point for new talents in the market. First and foremost, it gives the impression that this company does care about its employees and tries for their progress. Furthermore, it lets future candidates know that they can get more than what they bargained for in the hiring process if they play their horses correctly. In a highly competitive job market, having such credentials can put a company way ahead of the game. It also benefits the company in the long run. Improved people bring extra value to the company, which eventually creates a more promising future. 

Creating a purpose

Socially responsible companies have become the latest trend of the industry in the past couple of years. Now people want you to act for a cause in addition to providing high-quality products or services and this regulates the job searching process of young talents as well. Maybe you’re encouraging diversity in your business? Maybe you’re environmentally sensitive and run campaigns on that matter? No matter what kind of a purpose your company is working for, make sure that you have one. We’re long past the point where people are motivated solely on material benefits. Defining a socially responsible purpose can also improve the overall commitment and belonging employees feel towards the company. So, turn this win-win situation to your advantage. 

Developing a two-way communication

As in human relations, keeping continuous and open communication is the key to a more trustworthy and committed relationship with employees. Sustaining a healthy relationship might not be as easy as it sounds during a remote work model, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t be achieved. Listening to your people and providing feedback when necessary is essential for showing your employees that you care about them. One way to do this can be holding small meetings or tea talks with your employees through video conference software such as OctaMeet.So, it might not be enough to offer only a remote work model to attract new talents in the job market because the competition is getting tough in the job market. 

Of course, the business model, industry, and culture can make a difference in that matter, but if your business is positioned in a heavily remote dominant sector, you can make your company more attractive by applying some simple solutions.



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