Is Working Remotely Worth It? 6 Remote Working Benefits

Nowadays, a concept that has been in our lives; is remote working. 
Remote work means working from any place that is outside of the office. These places can be home, cafe or any other area. Although some managers positively approach remote working or home office concepts, some employers do not support it.

Why Is Remote Working Bad? 

Especially in the early days of the pandemic, employers and employees often thought that remote work was impossible and inefficient.

Employers think that this kind of flexible working badly influences the remote workforce’s performance. But now, we could clearly see that it is not the truth.

6 Significant Benefits of Remote Working 

Despite some cons, there are many benefits of remote working for remote workers. Before considering going back to the office space, it’s a good idea to evaluate the benefits of working remotely.

Less commute to work

When employees start working from home, they can save time and energy on their commute. They have more time to spend working.
The vast majority of UK workers say that working from home saves time and money and increases productivity.

Work-life balance 

Less commuting to work and fewer interruptions by coworkers save time for remote employees. 
Therefore, when employees have enough time to spend with their family and friends, they probably feel less stressed and more relaxed. 

Moreover, while employees work from the office, they can feel under pressure if their manager or boss is in the office simultaneously.

Workers feel overwhelmed and unmotivated if they frequently emphasize deadlines and problems about projects to the employees. Working at home provides more flexibility and freedom about work and time management. This comfort improves work-life balance positively.

Reducing carbon footprint

There is no limit to the electricity, paper, and water consumed in offices. In addition, air conditioners that are never turned off are also worth mentioning. 

When you start working remotely, each employee returning home will reduce these uses even a little bit.

Increased productivity

Working without being interrupted by coworkers can enhance productivity. Employees can work more motivated and creatively.

Also, employees and employers can need some magic tricks to enhance productivity.
Planning the day on their own, reducing distractions, and scheduling daily huddles freely will give a chance for innovation. 

Cost savings

Employers can save money by reducing rents, cleaning services, taxes, etc. 
In addition, employers and employees can save money thanks to the remote working model. 
Employees need to spend money for dinner and coffee during break time or public transportation or gas costs for commuting while working in the office. However, they can reduce these costs a little when they work from home.

Coworking spaces 

Employees can work from anywhere they want in a remote working model.
They can find the most suitable coworking spaces for themselves. Hence, they can both be social and interact with those who work in the same coworking space and have a quiet workspace. 


Although working remotely seems unfeasible in many aspects, it mainly stands out because it is better. Employers should think about shifting from working in the office to remote working for employee retention. 

The thought that remote work is impossible and unprofitable may have been true before the pandemic, but there are many benefits of working remotely. Cost savings, coworking spaces, reducing carbon footprint, increased productivity, work-life balance, and less commute to work are the advantages of remote working.

When we look at these advantages, we see that they all affect each other. Less commute to work leads to better work-life balance and higher productivity. Also, reducing carbon footprint stems from cost savings, coworking spaces, and less commute to work.