8 Tips To Increase Productivity In Remote Working For Both Employees and Employers

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed working habits all over the world. Especially in the business world, people who started working from home faced many problems and questions in the short term. However, answers to these questions arose as time went by, and the issues were solved in the long run.

The vital improvement that enabled the solution of these problems was the remote working trend.
Undoubtedly, the remote working model, which can be considered an innovation in our lives, has brought some difficulties. While employees have difficulty being motivated to work from home, many companies and employers are also unsure of their work efficiency.

Tips To Increase Productivity When Working Remotely

As the number of companies adopting the remote working model has increased day by day, the diversity of the challenges has increased. Many employees need to continue their work without slowing down despite all these difficulties. 
We have listed some methods to increase motivation and productivity while working remotely.

4 Tips for Employees

In this process, remote workers can try to be motivated and work more efficiently. We can list a few tips to boost employees’ productivity as follows: 

Have Private Workplace

Have a workplace at home that you only use while working. It certainly does not mean that you have to have a dedicated study room. It can also be a desk that you only use for work, where you sit down and spend time working. The important thing is that you only use that area while working and are not disturbed.

Make Plan Before The Day Start

Preparing a schedule in which you plan what work you will do and at what time will allow you to perform more productive work without being distracted during the day. You can handle urgent tasks early in the day and create a schedule where you focus on the tasks that require you to use your creativity for the rest of the day.

Take Pajamas Off

Even if you wake up and work remotely every morning, when you take your pajamas off or sweatpants and have office dressing, you will feel much more ready and motivated to work.

Reduce Distractions

Your children, pet, or cleaner may often bother you while you work. You can make it feel like you don’t want to be disturbed by not accepting anyone in your work environment. Build and preserve boundaries with everyone in the house during your working hours.

4 Tips For Employers

Team leaders, managers, and employers can use these ways to have better results:

Organize Daily Huddle

In this period, when you are away from office space, it may not be easy to follow the stage of the employees in the given tasks. When you keep in touch every day, you can support them more and follow up the work more intensively.

Assessment Team Roles Fairly

There may have been changes in some job descriptions and responsibilities with flexible work. You can redefine the job descriptions according to the progress of the duties and projects that need to be fulfilled and update them periodically if necessary.

Activities Besides Work

You can strengthen the ties by intensifying communication and organizing virtual events outside of working hours to maintain intimacy in the office without getting away with your colleagues. Keeping the work life balance is crucial for productivity.

Evaluate The Performance

One of the questions in the minds of remote workers is whether their team leaders realize their work or not. If you are satisfied with your employee’s performance, periodically appreciating them will help that person feel better. By giving feedback to your employees whose performance you are not happy with, you can make them feel supported so that they do not lose their motivation.



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