Efficiency in Global Sales with Online Meetings: Ways to Increase Communication

The importance of improving communication efficiency in global sales continues to increase day by day. While the widespread use of hybrid or remote working models is one reason for this, there is now a world where it is possible to reach customers from anywhere you want. 

Thanks to online meetings, you can reach all over the world, make effective presentations, market your products, and increase your sales rate. So, what are the elements you need to pay attention to in this entire process? 

Let’s take a look at the tips we will give you to increase global sales and communication efficiency:

What is the Importance of Online Meetings in Global Sales?What is the Importance of Online Meetings in Global Sales - Blog İçi Görsel

Online meetings make up the essential cornerstone of global sales operations. It has been observed that sales teams that use technology effectively can significantly increase companies’ sales rates. 

According to a study, 63% of sales leaders say online meetings are equally or more effective than in-person meetings

So, what are the advantages of virtual meetings that replace face-to-face communication?

Increasing Access Area 

Online meetings enable sales teams to make sales both locally and globally. The ability of sales teams to sell regardless of their location allows the company to reach a wider target audience

If you want to reach different regions and customers with global sales, it is essential to train your sales team well in online meetings. 

Facilitating Collaboration 

Online meetings have revolutionized team collaboration, particularly for global sales initiatives. Developing proficient online meeting management skills is essential, especially for remote teams.  

These skills expedite information flow between teams, ensuring timely delivery of customer needs. Consequently, this streamlined process enhances the conversion rate of potential customers into loyal clients

Reducing Costs 

Think about the countries your sales team needs to travel to increase global sales. Initially, you’ll probably worry about the big budget required. 

Online meetings may be most advantageous in terms of reducing costs. Thanks to virtual tools, travel and office expenses of sales teams can be eliminated. Making sales through online meetings is one of the practical tips for small businesses

Even if you are a small business and don’t have enough budget, you can still make global sales. All you need is an effective video conferencing tool

Customized Customer Experience 

Do you know the secret to winning loyal customers?

It’s creating a customer experience that’s unique to them. Thanks to webinars and video conferences, sales and marketing teams can communicate with customers in new ways. It can enrich the customer experience by using virtual tools. 

Customized customer experience includes many aspects of global sales, including showcasing products and services, offering demos, and responding to customer issues immediately. It is possible to achieve all this with online meetings! 

As a result, online meetings are very essential for global sales. Expanding the reach, reducing costs, strengthening collaboration, and enriching the customer experience are just some of the advantages it brings. 

So, what can you do when you want to increase global sales with online meetings?

Tips to Increase Efficiency in Global Sales with Online MeetingsTips to Increase Communication Efficiency in Global Sales with Online Meetings - Blog İçi Görsel

If you want to make global sales through online meetings, you should primarily focus on your communication skills. 

Communication skills are important in every aspect of life. But when it comes to a sale, communication is everything. Especially in virtual meetings that replace face-to-face communication.

Here are a few tips to increase communication efficiency: 

1. Know Your Customer Base 

Contacting someone you don’t know is more challenging than reaching out to someone familiar. Effective communication relies on a deep understanding of your customer base

Understanding customer behavior is important for sales teams. In this process, you should learn about the customer’s needs, preferences, interests, and problems

All this information turns into a tool that you can use to direct customers to sales. By getting to know your target audience, you can create a completely special experience for them. 

2. Act According to Customers’ Needs 

Even if you’ve put together a great presentation for global sales, remember this: online meetings require extra attention

Since you can’t see your customer’s reactions in person, you won’t know if they lose interest. A presentation that’s too long or not engaging enough could cause you to lose the sale. 

Instead, listen to your customer and try to understand their needs. Acting according to customers’ needs is the most effective way to establish trust. 

As customers trust you, you start to increase your global sales rate. Because you act entirely in their areas of interest, and you interpret the products you have according to their needs

3. Adjust Your Tone 

Did you know that most people are more impressed by your tone of voice and body language than the words you use? 

One study says that the tone you use in sales is the way you express yourself verbally, a sort of “invisible handshake.” 

When conducting online meetings in global sales, your tone of voice should be confident, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic. Think of it this way: which customer would listen to a sales representative who speaks in a bored and rapid-fire tone? 

Especially during online meetings, you should always keep the customer’s attention with your tone of voice. You can effectively manage the sales process by adjusting the tone throughout the meeting. 

4. Keep it Concise 

When holding online meetings with global sales, consider this: the customer does not have a whole day to spare for you. You will discover that the clearer and more concise your communication is, the more your global sales rate increases. 

Prolonging the topic, going into details, or giving unnecessary details during the sales meeting will cause the customer to lose interest and become confused. 

You can save time, keep the customer’s interest alive, and reach the sale in a shorter time by being clear and concise throughout the sales process. 

5. Determine the Meeting Day and Time Well 

For global sales, you need to determine the meeting day and time well. After all, your customer may not be in the same time zone as you. You should determine the days and hours when they are most available and make sales calls according to this plan. 

So, what is the best day and time for global sales? For this, we can take a look at the research data conducted by CallHippo

This research is based on 15,000 sales calls and the results are as follows: 

  • The best day for a sales call is Wednesday. (33.9% of calls made on Wednesday are connected to sales, 15% of calls made on Monday, and 10.4% of searches made on Friday are connected to sales.) 
  • The worst days for any sales call, including global sales, are Mondays and Fridays. So stay away from the beginning and end of the week. 
  • The best hours for sales calls are 10-11 AM and 4-5 PM. Because these are the hours when people either get ready for their lunch break or get ready to leave work. 

Of course, you don’t have to act on these results. This is where the importance of understanding your customer base comes into play. Try to find out which days and times are most available to your audience. 

6. Offer Product Demos 

For success in global sales, you can try innovative sales techniques instead of traditional processes. One of these sales techniques is to offer a product demo

Offering a product demo allows the customer to get to know the product rather than making a sale.  

This way, the customer understands that your goal is not just sales. This is your opportunity to show them that you value them and that you are confident they will invest their money in something worthwhile. 

Offering a product demo is also very advantageous to understand the customer’s budget and needs. You can also use the information you collect for other global sales meetings. 

7. Choose an Effective Video Conferencing Tool 

It is essential to improve your communication techniques when conducting online meetings for global sales. However, if you cannot properly transfer these skills to the other party, the whole process may fail. 

For this, the foundation ground must be solid. You need a video conferencing app that will make you feel almost as comfortable as interacting face-to-face! 

The video conferencing application ideal for global sales should have these features: 

  • High-quality video and audio streaming 
  • File sharing capabilities 
  • Seamless meeting scheduling with calendar integrations 
  • Reliable performance without technical problems for attendees 

In light of all these features, we have a great video-conferencing application that we can offer you! Here comes OctaMeet

Your global sales teams can communicate seamlessly from anywhere in the world with OctaMeet’s high-quality video conferencing capabilities.  

OctaMeet’s meeting scheduling and recording features allow teams working in different time zones to keep track of meetings without missing them.  

With OctaMeet, you can conduct high-quality video calls with your global customers, building strong and trusted relationships. So, how about a 30-day trial version to get to know OctaMeet better?

Register and Try for Free!

You can contact us to get more information about OctaMeet. If you want customized solutions for all your questions, you can book a demo meeting with our team! 



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